
Spread voicing

Spread voicing
  1. What is spread voicing?
  2. What are spread triads?
  3. What is jazz voicing?

What is spread voicing?

A style of musical arranging or orchestration in which the notes of chords are assigned across a range wider than one octave. The lowest note of an open voicing is almost always the root of the chord; occasionally it may be the fifth.

What are spread triads?

Spread triads are a simple but effective way of voicing your triads so they they have a bit more character. ... Each triad can be played in root, first inversion or second inversion, and can begin on the sixth, fifth or fourth strings. That means there's 9 voicings for each triad type.

What is jazz voicing?

A chord voicing is just a way of altering the order of and intervals between the notes in a chord. So instead of playing CMaj7 as a block chord (C E G B) we could reorder the notes and play C B E G - which spans two octaves (called 'open harmony'). This is considered more sophisticated and 'jazzy'.

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