
Secondary dominant scales

Secondary dominant scales

What Is A Secondary Dominant Chord? A Secondary Dominant chord is a Dominant 7 chord built on any scale degree other than the 5th. So in the key of C major: C7, D7, E7, F7, A7 and B7 would all be secondary dominant chords.

  1. What scales play over secondary dominants?
  2. What is a secondary dominant note?
  3. How do you find the secondary dominant?
  4. What are the most common secondary dominant chords?

What scales play over secondary dominants?

When playing over a secondary dominant, you need to switch to its parent major scale. Switching scales over secondary dominants can be quite a challenge, but fortunately, making the switch isn't always necessary. With the right note selection, you can stay in one scale and avoid any troublesome notes.

What is a secondary dominant note?

DEFINITION: A secondary dominant is an altered chord having a dominant or leading tone relationship to a chord in the key other than the tonic. An altered chord is a chord containing at least one tone that is foreign to the key.

How do you find the secondary dominant?

Determine the note that would be a perfect 5th below the root of the chord you are analyzing. If this note would be the root of a diatonic chord, the chord you are analyzing is a secondary dominant. Since B is , the F♯ major chord in first inversion is tonicizing V . Therefore the chord is V V V 6 / V .

What are the most common secondary dominant chords?

G – Am – A7 – D7

A7 is the V of D7 (“five of five”). This is one of the most common secondary dominant chords you will find. This progression also contains chromatic movement between the chord tones. ... So, we can temporarily use the V of wherever we are headed to create more tension and lead us to that chord.

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