
N-grams example

N-grams example

An N-gram means a sequence of N words. So for example, “Medium blog” is a 2-gram (a bigram), “A Medium blog post” is a 4-gram, and “Write on Medium” is a 3-gram (trigram). Well, that wasn't very interesting or exciting.

  1. What is n-gram size?
  2. What is n-gram vectors?
  3. What are character n-grams?

What is n-gram size?

In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sample of text or speech. ... Using Latin numerical prefixes, an n-gram of size 1 is referred to as a "unigram"; size 2 is a "bigram" (or, less commonly, a "digram"); size 3 is a "trigram".

What is n-gram vectors?

n-grams are used to describe objects as vectors. ... For example, one of the most common uses is to define a similarity measure between textual documents based on the application of a mathematical function to the vector representations of the documents.

What are character n-grams?

Character n-grams are found in text documents by representing the document as a sequence of characters. These n-grams are then extracted from this sequence and a model is trained. There are a number of different models for this, but a standard one is very similar to the bag-of-words model we have used earlier.

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